Meet Tilly, a passionate middle-distance track and cross-country runner. Tilly finds joy not only in the social aspect of running and the incredible people she encounters but also in the exhilarating highs she experiences during races and training sessions. She takes pride in giving her all, and it's this commitment that sets her apart.
Join us in celebrating Tilly's running journey, where we'll explore her training routines, memorable races, and the valuable lessons she has gleaned along the way. Get ready to be inspired by Tilly's unstoppable drive and unwavering determination!
What has running taught you?
Running has taught me a lot of things in life, a lot of life lessons, but one of the major things is probably that even no matter how much hard work you put in or the hours at training, being able to believe in yourself is the number one thing.

Where would you like running to take you?
I'd love running to take me to make an Australian team in the future. That'd be one of my biggest goals. I'd love to make an Australian team in the steeple chase - I am new to the event and would love to see where it can take me in the future.
What’s your proudest moment so far?
There have been many proud moments, but most recently would have to be the Australian track and field championships earlier this year where I placed in the 3000 and steeple chase. Knowing that I did all I could and I worked towards my goals was great and I was so proud of myself.

How do you manage school and sport?
Managing running with my schoolwork can be a challenge. I try to have a good balance between my life at home and then my life at sport, and also social side - seeing my friends and having some me time. I think running plays a part in feeling less stress around your academics. One major thing for me is being able to go to training and see my friends.

What is your favourite piece of IMPI?
My favourite piece of IMPI would have to be the racing briefs. They're so comfortable, they look amazing on all the girls, and they're a perfect option for race day!